Backpack Buddies

Backpack Buddies provides children with 6 weekend meals each week.  These are children identified by the schools as needing additional food to prevent hunger.  Currently St.Matthew's is providing weekend meals for 100+ children per week.  We are always in needs of food for our program.  The following are food items that we collect for this program - everything should be individual servings:

  •  Shelf Milk (i.e. Horizon)
  • Juice Boxes
  • Chef Boyardee
  • Tuna/Chicken/Canned Meat
  • Mac & Cheese
  • Soup/Ramen
  • Fruit Cups
  • Shelf Stable Puddings
  • Breakfast Cereal/Oatmeal
  • Granola Bars
  • Snacks - Popcorn, Fruit Snacks, etc...
If you would like to sponsor a child for the program, it costs $25/month to provide food for one child.  To donate online to backpack buddies please click on the link below and  please note: backpack buddies next to your donation.

  Donate Here

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